Working Groups
The AGA working groups are research bodies of the AGA that covers a wide range of research topics within the disciplines of geography.
The AGA working groups shall be established for the study of a specific topic or for the accomplishment of a task which requires international collaboration.
The working groups shall promote individual and group research work, encourage the exchanges of relevant documents and information, and organize conferences, meetings, workshops and, where appropriate, field excursions, between Asian Conferences on Geography (ACG).
The establishment of a new working group may be proposed by a member society or by the Executive Committee.
The working group proposal shall be submitted to the Secretary & Treasurer at least 3 months prior to the Council Meeting and shall be approved by the Council.
Working Group on Cultural Geography (AGA-WGCG)
Chair of the Working Group:
Prof. Je-Hun Ryu, Korea National University of Education, Korea
Introduction of the AGA-WGCG
The missions of AGA-WGCG are to
■ create new research networks between Asian geographers to fully explore the links between the different heritage categories and protection systems;
■ share information about protected area systems and cultural landscapes, in particular, on achievements, success stories and model cases;
■ explore best protecting practice sites as key places for sustainable local and regional development
Young Geographers Working Group (AGA-YGWG)
Chair of the Working Group:
Prof. Min Chen, Nanjing Normal University, China
Introduction to the AGA-YGWG
The vision of AGA-YGWG is to bring together young geographers to foster a community for physical geography, human geography, GIScience and related research, with strong links to environment, health and sustainable development. The AGA-YGWG will develop a medium-term research agenda for the working group, which will serve as the guideline for working group events and for community members to share ideas and research findings. Specifically,
■ Develop and maintain connections and joint efforts with other AGA groups as well as other related GIScience and geographic academic organizations.
■ Organize special sessions and workshops in AGA conferences as well as other GIScience, or geography conferences, in accordance with the research agenda.
■ Collaborate with working groups within AGA or other academic associations to organize joint workshops on topics of shared interest.
The YGWG consists of a team (chair, secretary, and regional contact persons) and members. Please see more details on the AGA-YGWG’s website.
Working Group on Disaster Mitigation and Education
The Asian Geographical Association (AGA)